Humans, since the first scribes were passed down to ancestors, we have been known to be people with nomadic tendencies. Those times, as ours, are known to be much harder to follow that path. We humans are nomadic, we can’t deny that, but we don’t like it (per se); it is only done in those moments of desperate need.

Today life is very different form what it was back then. People look forward to moving from place to place hoping to find something different and vibrant, but at the same time it hurts them, kind-of paradoxical no? They want something different and they leave, but at the same time they want the same and to stay. The need to find something to to live for is in the same range of sacrifice as that of leaving for survival and in this day and age the tides are changing and people are doing just that, looking for something that makes up wake up in the night and hoping that the hours have gone fast enough to go into their work and do their thing.
To amplify that dream of finding that purpose we can recline on the idea that “life is a trip”. We may travel and go on different paths to find ourselves. We’re so influenced by social media, Hollywood, politics to the point that we never can decide what we think. Off course, we may say that the conclusion which we arrived is ours, but have you ever thought what you’ve seen on that subject and how closely that relates to your opinion? I mean it, having a mind of our own is close to impossible. That’s why the term genius exists, it’s not somebody that’s gifted with intelligence, no, it’s somebody who thinks of something that has never been thought before by nobody. To find thy self is to open those closed horizons in the back of your mind and let them be the the guide in the trip that is your life.
I truly agree with you. People sometimes leave for an unknown place in search for something, but even though they deeply feel like not wanting to leave in the first place. Sometimes this is precisely why, many people that leave, with the passing years end up returning, is that nostalgia that always lurks in the depths of our being that compels us to go back. Great post Paco!
ReplyDeleteWhy do you think people INVEST money on traveling? Even while people think is "waste of money", it's not. You can get SO MUCH out of a culture, a new environment, or being surrounded by new people. Or even by yourself. Traveling can make a person discover who she/he really is. You are investing in life experience. You are investing time in yourself. It can make you expande your knowledge. Your horizons.
ReplyDeleteExpand your knowledge through travel. I believe there are some things in life that you can't learn through a page in a book or a screen
ReplyDeleteMan I agree with you in all your points. I hate how the social media affect our way of think and in the making of decision.