Well, since my birth was mentioned it wouldn't matter to add that to add that I was born in the Caribbean, specifically in Puerto Rico. Ever since that moment in which I was brought into this life, I've been surrounded by those who I hold oh so closely to my heart. Much of these people are family members from my mother's side. One of the things that I fear most is that if somethings happens to one of them - meaning death - a void would be created in myself to the point that nobody will be able to fill it no matter how much they try. My family is of the most important aspects of who I am and will continue until the day that my consciousness stops working.
As you can see, i'm 19 going on 20 - that sounded like the title to the movie "13 Going on 30". I'm currently studying Liberal Arts (or "Estudios Generales") in the University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras Campus with the goal of finally changing majors - since the beginning of my first semester I've been trying to change to a Biology major, but the faculty has such strict for the change that it has taken me almost two years - and becoming some kind of doctor in the not-so distant future, time (as you can see) happens way to fast. One thing that resonates in my head always when speaking about my profession or my career path is a thing that my sister always mentions to me: Whatever I decide to study it has to collide with three roads, I have to have a passion for it and it has to help the population of this Island, make a big influence - the second or third one always stays in the untouched corners of my mind, meaning that I almost never remember it. For those two reasons I have chosen to study the major of Biology, it comes and collides with my passion and I feel that in that field I will thrive to such a point that I would most-certainly leave a mark.
In the aspects of passions, I have only one: weightlifting. Sincerely there are things that save people from dark roads and that activity has done just that, saved me from a dark road. Each of us have to find a outlet in which they can go off and deal with their problems at some point in our lives because most of us are somewhat introverted, meaning that we don't like to speak of our problems and just prefer to chug it down to the point in which nobody, not even us, knows it's there until one day something wrong happens and we implode and tell everything to everybody making total chaos of a simple or difficult situation.
Man I love your way of writing. It's not just interesting, you really engage with the reader and so, he or she will want to learn more about what you write.
ReplyDeleteI also like that it is a very conversational style of writing, thus makes it easier to read.
Were you able to finally change majors?
Hey, George! Hope you're doing okay, man.
DeleteThanks for the feedback in my style of writing, it means a lot.
Sadly, the process to change majors is hard, so I can't change until my third year. Maybe I'll change and you'll be out the door traveling and exposing the world through the lens of a camera.
Once again, you're inspirational, George, thank you again.
I deeply agree with George, your way of writing is amazing! I really liked the way you expressed yourself and mixed funny things with seriousness. I hope you are able to change to Biology and remember that if you need help with any class, I'm willing to help you if you need anything.
ReplyDeleteHope you achieve everything you strive for!
Thank you so much for your support, Bianca. Hope you realize that even when you graduate, I'm going to communicate with you for advice on this long journey that's ahed of me.
DeleteI really like the way you expressed yourself on your writing. Hope you continue to have that passion for what you're studying.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Mio! Hope that this passion may continue in the years to come.
DeletePaco I like very much the way you think. It's very true that in someway, everyone are introverted. We don't like to speak of our problems. But the detail is that it's a problem. We need to take away all our problem and negative thoughts. We need to find the way to do that.
ReplyDeleteKeep writing man, you got talent.
First time I've heard of this "talent" you speak of, thanks. I'll take that in consideration in the future.
DeleteGlad to hear you agree that putting our heart in our sleeves or being completely transparent is a very complicated manner. I would even dare to say that it may take some years of practice to be just that. Well, we have some years to get to that point. Hope you see the meaning and light in this.
DeleteYou have very weird (in a good way) of keeping the reader feel involved with the story maybe it's because it feels as if you were right there telling the story.